Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a measure of net advocacy and measures the willingness of visitors to recommend. It is scored between -100 and 100, with the result used to gauge your audience's overall likelihood to advocate for or against participation at your event.
The question that is asked is 'How likely are you to recommend [eventname] to a friend or colleague?' and is asked on a 0 - 10 scale, where 0 = not at all likely (to recommend the event) and 10 = extremely likely.
To calculate NPS, your visitors are sectioned into 3 groups; your Promoters, Passives and Detractors.
- Promoters (9 - 10) - These are respondents who are most likely to actively recommend the event to friends or colleagues
- Passives (7 - 8) - They are on the fence and don't share much of an opinion on the show so it is unknown if they will recommend.
- Detractors (0 - 6) - These are respondents who are most likely to actively recommend AGAINST the event to friends and colleagues
NPS is calculated by taking the proportion (%) of Promoters minus the proportion (%) of Detractors.
For this specific example, the Promoters (9 - 10) totalled 57.07% while the detractors were 15.66%. By taking the proportion of Promoters (%) minus the proportion of Detractors (%), this gives a NPS of +41.