Within your benchmarking surveys, the use of the red Explori questions will allow your results to benefit from comparisons not only against other events within your portfolio, division or company, but also to the Explori industry benchmarks.
In support us in providing high-quality benchmarks, all questions that show an Industry Benchmark will adhere to the following set of rules:
Minimum question sample size: Questions within a survey need to have a robust base to allow for the event’s data to contribute towards industry benchmarks, regardless of the total sample size within a survey.
Maximum survey weight per client: Individual organisers can only contribute a set weighting of events towards the industry benchmarks, ensuring that the performance of large organisers does not overly influence our data.
Maximum client representation: Similar to the previous point, an individual organiser has a limit on the proportion of data that can provided for a given question.
Minimum survey sample size: For a benchmark to be robust enough to have an industry benchmark provided for it, there is a set limit for the amount of event surveys that must have contributed to the data set in order for a benchmark to be generated.
Minimum number of contributing clients: To ensure that data is representative of the events industry rather than just of a select few clients, for benchmarks to be valid, there is a set lower limit for the number of organisers for which a question must surpass for benchmarks to be generated.